Sunday, July 22, 2012

We're getting outdoorsy in Campigna

An early morning bus ride brought us to our first event of the day-- a hike in the protected woods of Emilia Romanga. Nicola and I did not have any sneakers, so our guide Riccardo brought us on the path that he informed us that they brought disabled children on the week before. In other words... it was super easy. Good thing, because I'm not much of a hiker... shoes or not.

Lovely day for a blogger stroll

This park has been elected as the best natural reserve in Europe a few years in a row. 

The rocks, greenery and other natural parts of absolutely beautiful. It was such a nice change from being in Florence, where it's difficult to find greenery anywhere.

Our guide informed us that the massive amounts of super tall trees were planted by monks over one thousand years ago because these types of trees are straight, just like church pillars, and they would use the trees to build churches and monasteries. Today, these trees are still used in churches in Florence and monks are often seen going to this area to pray.

Campsite chilling

The closest I've been to nature in quite a while...

Romagna Trekking leads many different types of hikes and excursions all throughout Emilia Romagna. It was pretty cool to get away from the typical Italian scenery and get a little outdoorsy...

Up next.. the meal that may have been the best of my life. Get ready..

1 comment:

  1. After all this time, you've managed to teach me something new. Good times, and thanks for the photos!


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