Friday, December 30, 2011

Resolute THIS

I've never been one to make New Year's resolutions. They actually piss me off because I'm a firm believer that change in your life should start the day you want it to, not just because it's now 2012. Plus, they're the reason why the gym gets so effing crowded in January. 

The new year DOES make me think about all that has happened in the past year and how I've changed... and a LOT has happened since last year's celebration. For example...

I graduated college.
I saved up $4,000 and went to Europe.
I took a leap and decided to take the road less traveled by not jumping into a full-time job.
I made new friends at JMU, post-grad.
I got an awesome internship that I actually don't mind not getting paid for.
I was truly, honestly single for the first time in four years and was totally ok with it.
I went to the DR with 50 of my friends.
And I'm starting to realize that there's life after the amazing four years that was college....

22 days!

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